Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ancho Chile Dip

A few weeks ago I went to a BBQ that my brother and his girlfriend were hosting. Whenever I get invited to a place where there is food I always try to bring something with me. I do this for two reasons, one so that I can show my gratitude, and two, so that I know that there will be at least one thing that I can eat!

I decided to make an ancho chile dip, and bought some gluten-free tortilla chips. I was happily snacking away, when I realized that people were dipping bread, pretzels, and other gluten filled items in the dip. I immediately stopped eating it, promising myself that I would make it again soon, without having to worry about cross contamination.  

1 16 oz container Greek yogurt
2 cups shredded Mexican cheese
1/2 lime, juiced
2 ancho chiles in adobo sauce, minced
2 tbsp adobo sauce
1 tbsp chili powder

If you don't like really spicy things you can reduce the amount of peppers and sauce used. 

In a large bowl combine all ingredients, stirring until blended. Serve with gluten-free tortilla chips, pretzels, etc.

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