Sunday, September 2, 2012

Horseradish Potato Pancakes

Every Sunday David and I try make brunch together. We decide what we want to make, and each pitch in. Today, we wanted to try something new, so I suggested potato pancakes. David liked the idea and suggested that we add an over easy egg. He is very good at cooking eggs, much better than I am!

When I make mashed potatoes I usually flavor them up a little bit. Today, I decided to add some horseradish, garlic, and Irish cheddar cheese. I am kind of obsessed with horseradish lately, I use it in a lot of things! My mother-in-law got me hooked, she loves horseradish. I had never really had it much, and was rather indifferent to it. I started using to when I started cooking for her, and quickly fell in love. Now I am always looking for new ways to use it. 

Instant mashed potatoes  (I made 4 servings worth)
extra potato flakes
1 tbsp prepared horseradish
1 tbsp garlic
1/4 cup cheddar cheese
2 tbsp Greek Yogurt

Make mashed potatoes according to the package instructions. Add extra potato flakes, until stiff. Add horseradish, garlic, and cheddar.

Meanwhile heat a frying pan over medium heat. Add about 1/4 - 1/3 cup of mashed potato flakes to hot pan. cook until golden brown on both sides, (about 3-5 min a side)

I topped mine with an egg, and some cracked pepper, but they are pretty versatile, so you can be creative!

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