Sunday, August 19, 2012

Garlicky Mushrooms With Green Onions

Today was supposed to be a lazy Sunday for Husband and me, however, he was told on Friday that he had to work all weekend. I decided to keep my plans for a relaxing day, and spent that day pampering myself. I started out with a manicure and pedicure, then I gave my hair a keratin treatment. I spent the rest of the day with Netflix, and later, a Big Bang Theory marathon on TV. All in all, it was a very successful Sunday for me.

I did find myself feeling a little guilty that Husband was stuck at work, while I was taking advantage of my day off, so I figured that I would pamper him with dinner. I decided to make steaks, garlicky mushrooms with green onions, and carrots.

I find that I have to be creative with mushrooms, since David (my husband) is just learning to like then. I decided to use a ton of garlic, since it's David's favorite, and I had some green onions in the fridge, so I threw it together with a few other ingredients, and it turned into a pretty successful dish! David even told me that I can add it to my rotation of side dishes!

1 pack sliced white mushrooms
1 bunch green onion
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
I tablespoon butter or margarine (I used margarine)
salt and pepper to taste.

Wipe mushrooms clean with a paper towel, and put in a saute pan. Chop green onions into 1/2 - 1 inch pieces. Add to pan. Add the rest of ingredients, sauteing over medium heat until mushrooms are soft.  

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