Thursday, October 11, 2012

Balsamic Tuna Salad

There are a lot of changes going on in my life right now. My husband is looking for a new job. He has only had one since graduating college 5 years ago, so this will be a huge adjustment for him. I am looking into returning to school, which means changing career fields for me. I am currently working from home, so it gives me plenty of time for research.

Whenever I have a lot of things to do, I want as much energy, and brain food as I can get, so I decided to make my favorite tuna salad for lunch today. One of my favorite lunches was a Mediterranean tuna sandwich from a nearby deli, but since it is not gluten-free I adapted it into a salad. I have adapted most of my favorite sandwiches into salads, as I am still warming up to gluten-free breads.  

I make this salad differently every time, sometimes I add red onions, chickpeas, or feta cheese. It depends on what I have on hand. 

1 3 oz can tuna 
1 small tomato, chopped
1/4 cucumber, chopped
1/4 cup sliced olives (I used black)
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp mayo
salt and pepper to taste

In a bowl, combine all ingredients until well blended. Serve on its own, or on gluten-free bread or crackers. 

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