Monday, September 3, 2012

Spicy BBQ Mushroom Quesadillas

My husband has a tendency to eat the same things over and over. I am the opposite, I almost never eat the same things twice in a row. David went through a phase a few years ago where all he wanted to eat was spicy BBQ mushrooms quesadillas. I made them a few times, until I got tired of them, but he asked to make batch after batch for him to pack for lunch. Then, he just completely forgot they existed.

A few weeks ago I mentioned them when we were planning our weekly menu, and ever since then David asks for them at least once a week. So, today, on our last day of vacation, I decided to make a spicy BBQ mushroom quesadillas for him, with enough left over for him to pack for his lunch.

1 pack sliced portabella mushrooms (I used white since I already had them)
1 cup corn
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/2 cup diced onions
2 tbsp olive oil

3/4 Monterey Jack cheese
8 - 10 corn tortillas

for sauce
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (I used Sweet Baby Ray's, It's gluten free!)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 ancho chile in adobo sauce
1 tbsp adobo sauce (optional, I like things really spicy)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Heat oil in skillet or wok. Add veggies, and heat, stirring occasionally until tender, and turn off burner. 

Meanwhile, mix BBQ sauce, and cider vinegar, and adobo sauce (if you are using it). Mince chipotle pepper, and add to sauce.

Add sauce to veggies, and mix until coated. Lay 4 - 5 tortillas flat on a cooking sheet, and spread veggies evenly over them. Sprinkle evenly with cheese, and cover with the remaining tortillas. Pop them in the oven, and bake approximately 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted.  

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