Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Turkey Chili With Black Beans and Corn

Within the past few days I have been getting little pieces of good news. I have a new writing project to work on, I get to see my parents in a few weeks, and one of my very close friends has just gotten engaged! I have also gotten more responsibility at work, which means that I have a little less time this week than I usually do. 

When I know that David and I are going to be busy I like to make a big pot of food, something that I know will last us for a few days. I don't always like eating the same thing multiple times, so I decided to make chili. Chili is a versatile food, and can be eaten on its own, or used to make other dishes. It's perfect to have around if you are going to be too busy to cook!

1 pack ground turkey
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 cup diced onions
1 1/2 cup corn (fresh, canned, or frozen)
2 cans black beans
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp cumin
2 ancho chiles in adobo sauce, diced
1 1/2 tsp adobo sauce
3 tbsp hot sauce

In a stockpot, heat turkey, onion, diced tomato, and 1/2 of the chili powder over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until turkey is cooked all the way through. Add the rest of the chili powder, black beans and corn, and heat, stirring occasionally, until warm. Add the rest of the ingredients, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Serve with shredded cheese, tortilla chips, green onions, whatever your heart desires! 

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